The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has assured that the deposits of the Indian common man in indian banks are safe and not to worry at all. Due to the financial crisis in US and incertainity of the global financial markets everyone in the world is fearing about their hard earned money kept in their respective country’s bank. As far as India is concerned RBI governer assured that Indian banks are not hit due to the sub prime crisis in US, which is the root cause of the financial turmoil seen in the world economy. All central banks of almost all countries are taking care of the their banks- Japan & S.Korea have promised unlimited cover to their banks. Even Indian central bank RBI is injecting about Rs:60,000 crore liquidity by reducing the CRR ratio.
Yes, we are witnessing worst time in the stock market industry, but this is just the result of fear and uncertainity in the global economy. So, the conclusion is not to worry about your deposits in Indian banks and just chill! If you are an indian stock investor you may find this article (What to do in such turbulent times? ) to decide upon your strategies to face the stock market uncertainities.
Yes, we are witnessing worst time in the stock market industry, but this is just the result of fear and uncertainity in the global economy. So, the conclusion is not to worry about your deposits in Indian banks and just chill! If you are an indian stock investor you may find this article (What to do in such turbulent times? ) to decide upon your strategies to face the stock market uncertainities.
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